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Tim Copsey published in Ashley Thorpe's 'Contemporary British Studio Pottery: Forms of Expression'

Writer: ThrownThrown

We are excited to see gallery artist Tim Copsey's work featured in Ashley Thorpe's new book 'Contemporary British Studio Pottery: Forms of Expression' on its release this August. Tim is one of twenty-four potters put into focus in this exploration of how contemporary makers use the ancient language of the pot to convey contemporary ideas, from the sculptural and painterly to the ecological and satirical.

Very much looking forward to getting our hands on a copy.



Feb 06

Congratulations to Tim Copsey on being featured in Ashley Thorpe's Contemporary British Studio Pottery: Forms of Expression! Just as artists express themselves through pottery, students must craft well-structured assignments to succeed. For those struggling with deadlines and research, their expert Melbourne assignment writers provide top-tier guidance, helping students shape their academic success with precision and clarity.


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Jul 10, 2024

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